Workshop on Oral Health and Dental Care

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From July 20 to July 23, 2022, American Intercon School, in collaboration with Santepheap Dental Clinic, organized a workshop on “oral health and dental care” from Kindergarten to grade 6 students of American Intercon School, Mao Tse Tong Campus (Head Office). Mr. Srian Bonsrong, a dentist at Santepheap Dental Clinic, said that oral health was very important for everyone. Therefore, all students should brush their teeth two to three times a day to remove residue from the teeth after eating. In addition, all of us needed to visit the dentist two to three times per year for cleaning our teeth and check for any problems. This helped to prevent our teeth from serious problems. It cost a lot of money which could lead to loss of family economy and study time. The doctor also showed that the teeth had a very important function for daily life. If we do not take good care of the teeth, it will become rotten or damaged. Therefore, we have to choose the right diet and checking your teeth regularly and follow the doctor’s prescription. In addition, the presenter also showed how to raise awareness about oral health and healthy dental care to students and easy ways to maintain good oral hygiene.

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